Listen me Before : The frog sound nearly my room in center garden....If you need to OFF frog sound , Please click at the neck of small frog J.Nut Say.....My name J.Nut, electronic engineering from Thailand. my friend call me "j.nut",
Dear All I am J. Nut. Welcome to my website. This is a perfect place for all the engineers and developers, engaged in software and hardware development, to join. Friends, you may download as much information as you could from this web site and it’s all free of charge. Through this portal I would like to share my knowledge that I have gained so far from my experience. I am a Thai citizen and I love my country very much. I have many things to share with you and with all my friends, globally. On my website, along with technical information you would find information about Thai cultures, places, Thai cuisines and much more.
I will always try to make your visit to my website a memorable experience. Many times, when I talk to my friends from overseas, they say "J. Nut, you are fall behind"(behind the mountain),"kidding" (Because I was not having a website. But today I have one for my own and I am no longer behind the mountain) "55555+"